50 shades of cloud? Well, we could potentially come up with 50 good reasons that blow the cloud competition away but here is a quick resume of why Ventrus beats the rest.
We work with you to provide a customisable Cloud environment to fit your exact business needs for security, transparency, accountability, reliability and proven expertise and professionalism in the field. Our cloud is fully scalable, providing you with innovative ways to reduce costs and maximise worth. We offer a personable, all-encompassing service assisting you in establishing company readiness to enable a phased or hybrid approach if required. Our cloud is perpetually available, fast and cost–effective. We offer a seamless solution designed to individual business requirements. We guarantee reduction of expenditure, dependable security, improved resource utilisation, scalability, seamless integration, anywhere access, disaster recovery and minimal upfront costs.
We really are the silver lining you have been looking for.