In the words of Daniel Thomas, Founder and Director of – “50 shades scoops cloud accolade”.  Ventrus Networks are thrilled to announce that our pitch in “Tell me why I should use your cloud” was judged by Cloud Expo Europe to be the winning entrant.

Ventrus Networks described, in 150 words why our Cloud Solutions and technology can solve your business problem better than any of our competitors.  We faced some stiff competition in the form of some very convincing pitches.

Our extensive service portfolio is continually evolving with the adoption of new services and technologies that are aligned with the needs of our customers ever changing requirements.   We thrive to consistently deliver IT services of the highest standards through continual service improvement and innovation.

This is a very exciting time for Ventrus Networks.  We are looking forward to the launch of our new brand “We are Cloud” in just a few weeks and we feel that our winning entry demonstrates and further cements not only our position as a premier provider of helpdesk, server monitoring, managed networks and consultancy services but also strongly places us as a front runner in the Cloud Computing market.

To see our winning entry, click here and for further information on how our Cloud Technologies can help you contact us on [email protected]